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Japanese Pubs Fight Over Name Rights

The copycat pub thought a dot on the signage would be different enoughWikimedia/NesnadAn independent izakaya thought slipping a dot into its name would be enough to keep a big chain& 39;s laywers away.Copyright and trademark laws can seem impossibly difficult to non-lawyers, but one restaurateur mistakenly thought a dot would be enough to differentiate his restaurant from the big chain nearby, and now he’s in a spot of trouble about it.
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Procedura este arhicunoscută tuturor celor ce-şi mai petrec timpul prin bucătărie, la gătit, fireşte.Am pus fasolea la & 34;umflat& 34; într-un vas acoperindu-o cu apă caldă încât să nu rămână fără apă în acest timp de hidratare. În acest timp (cât fasolea a sta la hidratat) am curăţat legumele, răzuind morcovul ţi tocând ardeiul şi ceapa în cubuleţe.
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How to decaffeinate black tea

I refrain from giving my children black tea, but I found the right solution to reconcile both the goat and the goat, so I and they drink and we each get the right amount of caffeine. 2 cups hot water1 sachet of black teaOptional: lemon , honey, milkPortions: 2Preparation time: less than 15 minutes RECIPE PREPARATION How to decaffeinate black tea: Put the tea bag in a cup of hot water.
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Eggs with vegetables

Good morning in the cool ... today I'm hardworking and I certainly don't get hot. Welcome to the table !!!! 2 eggs1 maricica tomato & 34; heart of beef & 34; 1 bouquet of pleurotus mushrooms1 slices of bacon, bacon ... 1 tablespoon olive oil saltpiperbranzaPortions: 1Cooking time: less than 15 minutes RECIPE PREPARATION Eggs eggs with vegetables: We fry the bacon (or whatever meat you have) cut into slices together with the sliced ​​mushrooms as well.
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Mini fruit tarts

In a bowl mix the butter with the sugar, add the yolk, lard and mix until everything is incorporated. Add the baking soda in the lemon juice, start kneading, gradually adding flour, knead a homogeneous crust. it is the case) We wrap the crust in food foil and let it cool for about 30 minutes, We spread the dough in a sheet that we cut circles bigger than the shapes, We place the dough in the shapes after which we pricked them with a fork, Fruits (thawed and drained of syrup which leaves it) I mixed them with sugar and starch, Add the fruits in molds and then bake for about 20 minutesIf you liked our recipe & 34; Mini fruit tarts & 34; don't forget to review it.
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